Bilawal Zardari announces to take the protest to Islamabad

Gilgit, 16th November: After a defeat in the Gilgit-Baltistan elections, Bilawal Zardari announces protest on behalf of Islamabad. According to the report of Baaghi TV, PPP Chairman Bilawal Zardari has said that the rights of the people of GB were robbed, but we will take back the seats, if not, we will go to Islamabad. Bilawal Zardari said that elections will not be allowed to be controversial, people were pressured to join PTI. he said that messages were given to leave PPP and PML-N and join PTI. Bilawal Zardari further said that PPP leader Jamil Ahmed’s vote was stolen and … Continue reading Bilawal Zardari announces to take the protest to Islamabad