France’s economy will achieve a growth of 6 percent this year: Olivier Dussopt

PARIS, Mar 21  (04:13 PM PKT)(XINHUA/APP): French Minister Delegate for Public Accounts Olivier Dussopt said on Friday that the country’s economy will achieve a growth of 6 percent this year as the government had forecast, despite the one-month lock-down imposed in many regions to contain the corona-virus resurgence. “We have a 6-percent growth forecast… I remain convinced that (this rate) is achievable,” Dussopt told local broadcaster Europe 1. “We have economic indicators, which, despite the crisis and the difficulties, give us reasons for hope on the economic capacity to rebound,” he said. However, the massive restrictive rules that will start Friday midnight in 16 … Continue reading France’s economy will achieve a growth of 6 percent this year: Olivier Dussopt