3rd Markhor Hunting Trophy | US Citizen Robert Myles Hall Successfully Hunts Kashmir Markhor

CHITRAL (By Gul Hamad Farooqui): American citizen successfully hunts Kashmir Markhor in Chitral. This is the third hunting of the Markhor Hunting Trophy this season. American citizen Mr. Robert Myles Hall hunted Markhor in Gahriat Gol Community Reserve. The Markhor is eight years old, and its horns are thirty-eight inches long. The American citizen paid $125,000 in Pakistani rupees roughly 37,500,000 for this hunting trophy. Dutch Hockey Club, HEC Pakistan team to Play First Match Today Commissioner of Rawalpindi “Admits” to Election Rigging Air Force’s Chinook Helicopter Makes Emergency Landing In Punjab Markhor has been hunted twice before under the … Continue reading 3rd Markhor Hunting Trophy | US Citizen Robert Myles Hall Successfully Hunts Kashmir Markhor