Healthcare Staff Better Trained For the Second Wave of Corona in Pakistan


LAHORE, Jan 07 (APP): The healthcare staff in Punjab is more trained than before to tackle the second wave of the novel coronavirus.

This was informed in a joint meeting of the Corona Expert Advisory Group (CEAG) and Technical Working Group (TWG), called here on Thursday to discuss the new strain of coronavirus, vaccines and the current situation.

Punjab Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department (P&SHD) Secretary Captain (retd) M Usman and CEAG Chairman Dr Mehmood Shaukat attended the meeting. The CEAG chairman told the participants that the PCR test had been given priority over the Antigen test due to the authentication of the procedure of the first one.

He said that three coronavirus vaccines were being given in the world; however, Sinopharm was the priority of the Punjab Health Department and the decisions about vaccination would be taken after further research on it.

The P&SHD secretary said in the meeting that the Punjab Health Department had proper testing facilities in the laboratories and average 15,562 coronavirus tests were being conducted on daily bases.

He said that no case of the new UK coronavirus was reported in the province so far. He said that all flights from the UK and South Africa were being monitored regularly.

He said that the facility of gene sequencing was not available in the province and cooperation of the National Institute of Health (NIH) was hired in this regard.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for updates and more news!

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