Message of Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram on 31st Anniversary of Gawkadal Massacre Day


On the 31st Anniversary of the Gawkadal massacre, I would like to pay homage to the brave sons and daughters of Kashmir who were martyred on 21st January 1990 in the cowardly and barbaric attack by India’s occupying forces. On this day, our hearts go out to the families of the martyrs of Gawkadal, and all other martyrs of the epic Kashmiri freedom struggle.

More than a hundred thousand Kashmiri men, women and children have paid the ultimate price in the struggle for freedom before and after the Gawkadal massacre. The people and the government of Pakistan share the grief and pain of our Kashmiri brothers and sisters. We remain steadfast in our support to their just struggle and will not rest until Kashmir is liberated from the yoke of Indian occupation.

As Muslims, it is our Imaan that Allah Almighty does not let the sacrifices of martyrs go in vain. The day is not far when the dark night of occupation will end and the blood of our martyrs will usher in the sweet dawn of freedom. In this struggle and sacrifice the people of Pakistan will continue to stand firmly and fully in solidarity, unity and brotherhood with the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

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