Balochistan allows biodegradable bags manufacturing to curb plastic bags


ISLAMABAD, Jan 31 (APP): The Balochistan government accorded approval for manufacturing of biodegradable bags, a environment friendly alternate to plastic bags and decided to take strict action to seize plastic bags for curbing rising plastic pollution in the province.

Muhammad Khan Utmankhail, an official of Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Balochistan while talking to APP said that polythene bags being a leading source of spreading plastic pollution have been banned in the province and strong action would be taken against polythene bags manufacturers. He said that only microns plastic bags were allowed in the open market for business purposes which was a biodegradable bag and that can be reused. Muhammad Khan said the government has devised a three-phase strategy to free provincial capital from plastic bags under the initiative of Plastic Free Pakistan.

The official said the provincial environment department with the collaboration of all departments concerned had made all preparations for a massive three tier campaign on plastic bags ban. The department had started awareness campaign in the province and would distribute environment friendly alternate bags among the masses to overcome the menace of plastic bags, he added.

The department would engage people-to-people contact to impart them knowledge on the hazards of plastic bags and reason for its ban, he said. He said Zero Plastic initiative would offer alternate jute bags for plastic bags and would be locally produced in Quetta.

He said that plastic waste hazard was an alarming global threat, not only does it directly endanger the environment, marine life and human beings, rather, it is the 8th largest contributor to global warming. “We have made huge deliberations on plastic bags ban with civil society, academia, experts and media.”

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