The 4th edition of the Sindh Literature Festival opens at Arts Council Karachi


KARACHI, Mar 12 (APP):The three-day Sindh Literature Festival was jointly inaugurated by Minister of Sindh for Culture Syed Sardar Ali Shah, President ACP Mohammad Ahmed Shah, and writer & columnist Noor-ul-Huda Shah here on Friday.
A large number of writers, poets, intellectuals, and readers were also present on the occasion.
This is the fourth edition of the annual Sindh Literature Festival organized by the Sindh Literary Foundation with the mutual cooperation of the Arts Council Karachi sponsored by the Endowment Fund Trust and Culture department government of Sindh.
Addressing the gathering, the culture minister highlighted his ministry’s efforts to promote the culture of Sindh.
Sardar Shah added that today, young people are increasingly participating in the culture of Sindh.
“From Thar to Karachi, from Karachi to Sukkur, Badin, and Hyderabad, various festivals have been held which is a good tradition, he said.
President Arts Council Ahmad Shah said “The sun of Sindh Literature Festival is shining brightly in Arts Council today and I am very proud to co-host this festival”. Arts Council belongs to every language and culture and it is always open to everyone, he added.
The festival kicked – off with a session “Review of Sindhi Society”, folk instrumental performances, and a grand musical performance by ACMA (Arts Council Music Academy) the band on the first day.
According to the schedule different sessions including book launches, discussions on various topics such as review of Sindhi society, education in Sindh, literature, democracy, media, folk music, performances, and theatre play have been planned over the course of three days.
The festival will conclude with the musical performance of Saif Samejo, Shahla Gul, and the NAFS band on March 14, 2021.

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