Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will attend a concert to raise awareness on corona virus

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

April 28, 2021: As the British government launches a media campaign to raise awareness about the importance of inoculation while entering the third phase in their vaccination campaign, celebrities around the world have been participating in similar initiatives.

Now, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle will use their presence in a concert to raise awareness on corona virus and the importance of vaccination.

The event which is to take place on the 8th of May and will benefit corona iniatives will be attended by British Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle alongside famous American singer Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lopez and other actor Ben Affleck to name a few.

Harry and Meghan has earlier issued a statement about the collective pain and the loss the world is suffering and how some populations were struggling more than others. They stressed the importance of equal treatment and inoculation schedules for everyone and that no one must be left behind. They said anyone in the world is safe when everyone is safe.The couple stressed the importance of providing vaccines on an equal footing.

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