US shows concern over China’s nuclear development

US shows concern over China's nuclear development #Baaghi

The United States (US) has expressed concern over the rapid expansion of China’s intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program. In recent years, Beijing has been rapidly expanding its military capabilities as it is reportedly building more than 100 underground warehouses to store ICBMs.

According to the reports of Washington Post, China had built more than 100 silos (underground warehouses or pits) to secure long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles in a desert near the northwestern city of Yumen.

In response to a question during a media briefing on Thursday, US State Department spokesman Edward “Ned” Price said the construction was “very worrying.” It also raises questions about the Chinese government’s intentions and, as far as we understand, it reinforces the importance of our practical steps to reduce the nuclear threat, he added.

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The US State Department spokesman said that China’s “rapid development” of its weapons program was “increasingly difficult to keep secret.”

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the world’s leading peace research firm, said in a report last month that China had 350 safe nuclear weapons earlier this year, an increase of 30 weapons over the previous year. The agency also said that China is rapidly expanding and renewing its nuclear weapons.

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A State Department spokesman also spoke at the Chinese president’s speech during the Chinese Communist Party’s centenary celebrations in Beijing yesterday, saying the Biden administration had taken note of it, but on that occasion, “We have no comment. We will avoid doing that.”

Yesterday, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a speech at a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, “The era of killing or intimidating the Chinese is over forever. Was If anyone dares to dare to do so, his head will be smashed against the iron wall that has been built by the 1.4 billion people of China.”

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The Chinese president said that the Chinese people could no longer allow any external power to intimidate, suppress or enslave them. The US, on the other hand, has been critical of its treatment of Uighur Muslims and its policies towards Hong Kong.

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