UN to send peace keeping forces in Kashmir valley to stop humanitarian crises: Mishal Malik


ISLAMABAD, Sep 27 (APP):Mishal Malik, wife of Kashmiri freedom movement leader, Yasin Malik Friday asked United Nation (UN) to play its pro active role and must take appropriate measures to stop humanitarian crises emerging in Indian Occupied Kashmir after Hitler Modi’s move of scraping special status of Kashmir.

Talking to private news channel , she demanded the international community and UN to send fact finding mission and peace keeping forces in the Held valley to stop the genocide that Indian forces are committing there.

She urges the UN to give Kashmiris their right to self-determination according to the UN Resolutions as it was the responsibility of UN to bring peace in region.

She said despite all the challenges it is appreciable that Prime Minister Imran Khan is effectively highlighting Kashmir issue at every international fora and he has left no stone unturned in order to highlight Kashmir issue.

Imran Khan needs to take more steps to mobilize the world over Kashmir issue, she added.
Leader said Pakistan so far has made dynamic diplomatic efforts to catch the attention of world over Kashmir issue.

She said kashmiris will never compromise on their snatched ownership rights and we will continue our struggle till its logical end.

Mishal said India was snatching our rights but revoking of article 370 has further strengthened the Kashmir freedom movement.

It is high time for international community to pressurize India to stop grave human rights violations in India occupied Kashmir, she demanded .

Hurriyet leader said PM was internationalizing Kashmir issue in an unprecedented manner and it is diplomatic victory of Pakistan that International media has taken notice of human rights situation in IOK.
Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and we hoped that Pakistan will never compromise on Kashmir cause.

Prime Minister Imran Khan is pursuing mission Kashmir successfully and came to attend UNGA session with an agenda to sensitize the International community regarding Human rights situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK), she added.

United Nations General Assembly session was an opportunity for Prime Minister Imran Khan to meet world leaders and present Pakistan’s stance effectively regarding Kashmir issue.
She mentioned that the situation in Kashmir was very sensitive and there was complete lockdown in the held valley.

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