Bhakkar Police reluctant to book landlord who trespassed to rape wife of disabled person



Lahore: Bhakkar Police is reluctant to initiate action against the an influential landlord who trespassed to rape the wife of a disabled person, BaaghiTV English has learnt.

“Arslan Khokhar has made my life miserable as I cannot move out for mundane work. He often follows and tries to give me his cell number. My husband is disabled in an accident an cannot move. Due to the reason I have to go out of home to earn livelyhood for my family and discharge other household duties,” Rozina Bibi, the resident of Kallurkot told this correspondent.
Rozina Bibi has come to Lahore all the way from Bhakkar with her husband, Gull Jehan and a younger daughter to record her protest against the influential landlord and accused person Arslan Khokar.

Rozina said that she has been harassed by the accused for quite a long time and worse is that he dared to trespass her house in a midnight and attempted to rape her.

She said that in the wake of the time she got to escaped by crying and resorting to  resisitance.

“In the meanwhile, my family members including my disabled husband all woke up. Arslan threatened to murder my husband to get me,” she said.

Her husband, Gull Jehan said that his wife had been explaining him about the bad intentions and demands of Arslan but he ignored as he is disabled and don’t want to land in any crisis.
“But this time Arslan has crossed all the limits that forced us to contact to the concerned police”, he said, adding that but the police has taken no action against the accused despite the fact that nine days have gone by instead the police is harassing him and his family by entertaining the accused party’s fake application.
“The Kallurkot police treated the accused part as special guest and humiliated us before the accused encouraging him,” he said.

He urged the CM and IG Punjab to take the notice of the situation and order action against the accused.

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