UN, Lesbos mayor urge migrant camp transfers after deadly fire


Moria, Greece, Sept 30 (AFP/APP):The UN and the mayor of Lesbos on Monday called for the immediate transfer of migrants from an overcrowded Greek refugee camp on the island after a deadly
fire at the camp there sparked riots.

Camp residents say a woman and child died in Sunday’s blaze at Moira, Europe’s largest migrant camp, which houses around 13,000 people but has facilities for just 3,000.

The civil protection ministry on Monday confirmed the death of one person and said they were carrying out tests on the remains of a possible second victim. Late Sunday, Greek news agency ANA had cited police sources as saying a mother and child had died.

A plane helped extinguish the fire that had spread to several containers housing migrants. But police later fired tear gas to control an angry crowd who said authorities took too long to respond to the incident.

The UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR) on Monday warned the situation at Moira was “critical” and required “urgent” action.

“We are calling to accelerate the transfers and improve conditions in Moria,” said Boris Cheshirkov, UNHCR’s spokesman in Greece.

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