Russia’s Putin accuses US President Biden of providing false information on Ukraine

Russia summons U.S ambassador after Biden calls Putin ‘war criminal’

Feb 13, 2022: According to a report by Anadolu Agency, the Kremlin said late Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin had told his US counterpart he did not understand why the US president had “deliberately misinformed about the invasion of Ukraine.”

Speaking to reporters about an hour-long telephone call between Putin and Joe Biden, Yuri Ushakov, a presidential adviser on foreign policy, said the meeting was “balanced” and “business-oriented.”

“Today’s meeting took place in the atmosphere of unprecedented hysteria that Russia will definitely launch an attack on Ukraine in the near future,” said Ushakov.

Ushakov claimed that allegations that Russia will attack Ukraine were made in a “coordinated” way.

“The Americans are artificially magnifying the hysteria around the so-called planned invasion of Russia, even telling the dates of the invasion, and in parallel, they are building the muscles of Ukraine together with their allies, providing financial resources to strengthen the Ukrainian army and increasing the number of military trainers sent to Ukraine,” the adviser said.

“With the alleged invasion, preconditions are created for possible provocative actions of the Ukrainian armed forces,” he said. “This is how we evaluate this situation”

He said the US president told Putin that Washington and Moscow “must do their best to support stability and security in the world” despite being rivals.

“Biden emphasized that within the framework of the Ukraine issue, everything should be done to avoid the worst scenario,” he said.

He noted that Biden said he favors the diplomatic path.

Meanwhile, Russia’s outspoken ambassador to Sweden told a Swedish newspaper that Russia is not bothered about threats of Western sanctions. Viktor Tatarintsev told the Aftonbladet newspaper, “Excuse my language, but we don’t give a shit about all their sanctions, we have already had so many sanctions and in that sense they’ve had a positive effect on our economy and agriculture,”

“We are more self-sufficient and have been able to increase our exports. We have no Italian or Swiss cheeses, but we’ve learned to make just as good Russian cheeses using Italian and Swiss recipes”, he said.

He accuses the West of not understanding the Russian mentality.

“The more the West pushes Russia, the stronger the Russian response will be,” he said.

While Washington has been warning that Russia can invade Ukraine any day, Tatarintsev insisted Moscow was trying to avoid a war.

“That is our political leadership’s most sincere wish. The last thing people in Russia want is war.”

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