Former U.S president Donald Trump hails Putin’s stance on Ukraine

Former U.S president Donald Trump hails Putin’s stance on Ukraine #Baaghi

Feb 23, 2022: According to a report by AFP, former U.S president Donald Trump on Tuesday hailed Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s aggression against Ukraine as “genius” but said the crisis would not have happened under his own administration.

Following the decision by President Putin to recognize two breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine as independent, former president Donald Trump appeared on a right wing radio show saying,

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius,’

“Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”

Russia is facing an international backlash after Putin ordered his forces into Ukraine to secure the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk rebel republics.

Trump however, took a different approach saying, Putin’s tactics had been “smart” and argued, without elaborating, that the United States could replicate them on its border with Mexico.

In a separate statement Trump also lashed out at President Joe Biden saying, “I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would have never done during the Trump administration what he is doing now, no way!” the twice-impeached former president said.

He argued that the Ukraine crisis could have been averted altogether if it had been “properly handled” by President Joe Biden, who defeated him in the 2020 election.

Trump, who had largely remained silent on the growing Russian threat to the US ally before Tuesday, criticized Washington’s “weak” response, which he said did not match Russia’s actions. Trump added: “Now that this has begun, oil prices are rising, and Putin is not only getting what he has always wanted, but because of the increase in oil and gas prices, the rich are getting richer, “Trump added.

Before President Joe Biden assumed office, Ukraine caught itself in a storm of US domestic political fire when the then-President Trump asked his leader to launch a fake investigation into Biden’s family before the 2020 presidential election.

Allegations that Trump sought to cut off military aid to put pressure on President Volodomyr Zelenskyy led to the first of two Republican impeachments.

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