Uttar Pradesh college bans entry to Muslim girls with hijab

India: A prominent college Shree Varshney College in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, issued a notice banning entry to Muslim girls wearing hijab.
The Shree Varshney College located in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, has directed students not to cover their heads and faces while attending school. Several students returned home after they were denied entry.
The students said that the staff refused to let them in.
“I fail to understand why they have a problem with our hijab. I am not prepared to go anywhere without a hijab and the college is not allowing us to enter the campus anymore,” said a hijab wearing student.
A student, in B.Sc final year, said that the college authorities had first asked her to remove the burqa which she was wearing while entering the campus and later they asked her to remove the hijab, too.