Fakhar Imam urges world to take serious notice of IOK


ISLAMABAD, Oct 7 (APP):Chairman, Kashmir Committee Syed Fakhar Imam on Monday urged the International organizations to take serious notice of massive human rights violations by Indian troops in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

“The Indian forces have been orchestrating genocide of Kashmiris and the world powers must play their role in providing a level-playing field to the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination under the UN resolutions”, he said while talking in a Radio Pakistan programme.

He said India is violating the international laws by subjecting the Kashmiris to serious human rights violations.

“India’s actions in Kashmir could destabilize the entire region and lead to another conflict between the neighbours,” he warned.

He also appreciated Pakistan’s diplomatic achievement as Kashmir issue was being talked about all over the world today.

The lockdown in Kashmir is unprecedented and 63 days have passed since India imposed strict curfew on innocent people of Kashmir, he said, adding, the valley has been turned into world’s largest jail.
There is severe shortage of food stuff and life saving medicines, he highlighted.

One Indian soldier has been deployed on every nine Kashmiri, he said, adding, Children are taken away from their parents. Kashmiri women are being harassed and raped by Indian forces. The pro-Indian politicians have realized that New Delhi betrayed them through different tactics.

The way Kashmiris have been treated in Indian-held Kashmir is a matter of concern for the whole world, he added.

Related Story: Pakistan urges UN chief for urgent steps as Gutteres voices concern on Kashmir situation

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