Britney Spears ‘The Woman In Me’ rules Amazon No 1 Best Seller’s List


Pop sensation Britney Spears’ highly anticipated tell-all book, “The Woman In Me,” is set to be officially released next week, it has already claimed the top spot on Amazon’s Best Seller’s list. Recent excerpts from the book, shared by People magazine, have piqued the interest of eager fans seeking her perspective on her life. On her Instagram, typically a platform for showcasing her dance skills, Spears has transitioned into book-selling mode. In one of her posts, she teases, “I’ll have a good book one day. A good mysterious book.”

Britney Spears, The Woman In Me Book Cover

The publicity press includes slowly teasing out excerpts to People about growing up in Mississippi:

“For fun, starting when I was in eighth grade, my mom and I would make the two-hour drive from Kentwood to Biloxi, Mississippi, and while we were there, we would drink daiquiris. We called our cocktails “toddies.”

The infamous Video Music Award performance where she’s dancing with a snake:

“All I knew was to look down, because I felt if I looked up and caught its eye, it would kill me.”

And the abortion she says she had after she allegedly became pregnant with Justin Timberlake’s baby:

“It was a surprise, but for me, it wasn’t a tragedy,” the excerpt quotes Spears as writing. “I loved Justin so much. I always expected us to have a family together one day. This would just be much earlier than I’d anticipated.”



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