New Delhi Riots: Death Toll Rises to 20


New Delhi: The number of people killed in riots during protests against the Indian government’s controversial citizenship law has increased to 20.

According to details, the situation in the Indian capital New Delhi is still tense. During US President Donald Trump’s visit, thugs of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Delhi killed 20 Muslims in Muslim-majority areas and injured more than 190, while dozens of shops, houses and petrol pumps were looted and later burned.

According to Indian media many of the injured people are in critical condition which may lead to an increase in fatalities. Delhi High Court has ordered Delhi Police to ensure safety of the people.

Curfew has been imposed in five Muslim-majority areas of Delhi and police has been given shoot at sight orders against the rioters. New Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appealed to the Home Minister Amit Shah and the Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal to establish law and order situation in the city.

Students of Jamia Millia Islamia University and Nehru University protested near Chief Minister’s residence and were attacked with tear gas and water cannons by the Delhi Police.

Yesterday, goons of RSS and BJP attacked a mosque in Ashok Nagar in New Delhi, went up the minaret, took off the loudspeaker and hoisted their flag. Furthermore, they also set ablaze a Dargah in Bhajangpur. Ambulances were attacked and injured people were brutally tortured and killed by the Hindu extremists.

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