Coronavirus Pandemic: The need for a standardised approach

Another showbiz personality tested positive for coronavirus
Corona has no nationality yet has an intercontinental presence making situations precariously dangerous for people living across the globe.

The US therefore, is spending billions of dollars to combat the virulent virus now causing ripples across the continents. They are making all possible efforts across the country in a push to bring comfort peace and cure to all its worrying denizens shaken to the core. Labs in the US therefore, are being made useful so that each of the Americans can avail themselves of this facility and overcome the fear of the unknown.

[bs-quote quote=”The insurance companies (in the US) are doing their soft act in trying to lend a hand in this massive ordeal. The allied departments are working beyond the call of duty now when the country wants them the most.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Mian Haroon Masood ” author_job=”Political Leader, Pakistan “][/bs-quote]

The US have a drive through testing facility which can be replicated by other countries but, the borders are sealed, no European flights from abroad will be allowed to come in to the US for 30 days. EU leaders however, disapprove of us travel ban. The containment zones are in to play. The Presidential campaign indoor rallies have been cancelled. NBA suspends season over Coronavirus concerns.

The older people with underlying chronic medical history who are more prone to contracting the virus hence a heightened caution is required to deal with this mega issue which could become insurmountable if shown laxity. They are being suggested to have better hygienic conditions around them. Washing hands is a common practice. Mike Pence says he is meticulous about the act these days, so no big deal. This regimen is one that we all need to do. At least he does it – a common sense act which we all ought to do.

Dunallie Juventus Regalle has been tested positive. Tom Hanks with his wife Rita who are on an Australian tour have been tested positive too.

[bs-quote quote=”What are we up to? What’s all this leading to? We live in a weird world where danger dwells. Where disease is common and virus rampant but, are we geared up for any such challenges?” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Mian Haroon Masood ” author_job=”Political Leader, Pakistan “][/bs-quote]

Ours is a conscious and a conscientious community of doctors. They can possibly tackle this issue. They could go to any length in dealing with this problem but, the issue remains that who is going to foot the bill? What will this preparedness entail? We have to fix this before the situation gets out of hand and becomes a problem of biblical proportions.

Our next door neighbour Iran is in a mega fix too. They need 4 billion dollars to fight this pandemic. They may ask the IMF but because of the sanctions it’s least likely that they get anything from the mighty financial institution. Other Muslim countries must coalesce and dole out money for Iran in this particular situation. They are squarely beaten considering their geopolitical considerations and political ramifications, and for us the borders should be sealed wherever necessary, flawless screening tests must be done without discrimination.

It’s time for Dr. Zafar the adviser to Imran Khan on health, an expert who has previously been on important positions in WHO, must do his magic, for this remains his very key area.  I think with his kind of experience we shall sail through these challenging times. I wish him luck. We are Hajj mates although I have not seen him in years now.

The authorities must have stricter controls they must enforce ban on public gatherings, political rallies, institutes and college functions. The age old saying prevention is better than cure holds good. Avoid all that could be a causal factor for any subsequent fatality. I am deeply concerned for the underdeveloped countries where proper health would just be an unfulfilled dream.

The best team of doctors must visit these countries and put their systems in place. The facility in a hospital is far less than necessary. The demand is far greater. The limited facility can cater to only a certain no of patients.  What if the no of patients swells?

Makeshift centres must be made ready to tackle the problem. The divisional heads must visit their districts and ensure that the necessary arrangements are made in this regard which are intact and worthwhile. Special emphasis should be laid on the importance of getting oneself checked even if they believe that they have a common flu because Coronavirus has the same symptoms.

[bs-quote quote=”Public service announcements must be broadcasted on the TV, radio, internet or any other form for disseminating awareness.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Mian Haroon Masood ” author_job=”Political Leader, Pakistan “][/bs-quote]

Furthermore, all labs around the city should be equipped with the trained staff and cotton swabs for walk in patients. Special teams must be formed by the owners of the labs to visit people at their houses for sampling. It ought to be a drive on the same pattern as that of national population census or polio. The trend of frenzy buying should be avoided in the event of any ensuing crisis or a complete lock down. The practice to keep oneself hygienically clean is vitally important. This practice of keeping oneself clean will be a habit to practice in future.

It’s high time great organizations like the Melinda Gates Foundation and other global institutions must pool in resources just like the way they have done it before because, without the help of these leading organizations and other philanthropic groups such fatalities can’t be dealt with.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more interesting content and news updates.

1 comment

  1. Ewiak Ryszard 14 March, 2020 at 15:39 Reply

    Where are we heading now? In the Book of Daniel, we read, “At the appointed time (he) will return back.” (11:29a) The return of Russia in this context also means crisis, which will eclipse the Great Depression. Not only the eurozone will break up, but also the European Union and NATO. Then, also, many countries of the former Eastern block will return to a military alliance with Russia.

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