UN staffers paid tribute to Quaid at virtual Independence Day event


NEW YORK, August 15 (APP): Some of Pakistani current and former diplomats as well as United Nations officials paid glowing tributes to the sterling leadership of Pakistan’s founder Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah at a virtual event organized by the UN staffers of Pakistani origin in commemoration of the 74th Independence Day of their homeland.

Leading the tributes at the online event organized by the UN staff Recreation Pakistan Club was Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Munir Akram, who called for continued hard work in taking the country forward amid its challenges.

Other participants included former Ambassador Shaukat Fareed, who is Pakistan Club’s patron; Ambassador Rafiuzzam Siddiqui, Pakistan’s former High Commissioner to Bangladesh; Ambassador Khalil Hashmi, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to UN in Geneva, Asim Iftikhar, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Thailand, and Jamil Ahmed, a Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Irfan Soomro, President of the UN-Pakistan Club, welcoming the participants, underlined that all Pakistanis, whether at home or abroad, and in whatever their capacity, were serving the cause of the great nation of Pakistan. He highlighted the contribution to the world that Pakistanis have made globally, including at the UN, in promoting multilateralism, and laid down their lives in the line of duty under the UN banner peacekeeping operations worldwide.

Commenting on the climate change that posed a serious threat to Pakistan, Soomro urged the participants and, especially to the younger generations, to step up for preservation of ecosystem, plant more trees, adapt sustainable lifestyle, reduce waste, and value the precious natural resources such as water and energy.

Mr. Soomro maintained that unlike other places, in Pakistan, everybody and everyone matters regardless of the colour, caste, creed or religion.
The participants also viewed a short video presentation, produced by the Pakistan Club as tribute to Pakistan on her 74th anniversary. The video included a beautiful poetry by Nadeem Asad read by current and former diplomats of Pakistan and UN staff of Pakistani origin.

In his remarks, Ambassador Munir Akram stated that 74th Independence Day of Pakistan marked a sentiment of gratitude for existence of Pakistan, a homeland for Muslims. He underscored that if the Quaid had no vision for Pakistan, “we would be facing the same fate as our brothers and sisters in our neighbouring country.”

Pakistan, he said, was in capable hands of its younger generation which he stressed was more knowledgeable and resilient.

Ambassador Akram voiced confidence in dedicated and capable diplomatic service of Pakistan, stating that Pakistan had emerged as an influencial country and played a key role in diplomacy and international affairs. He stressed that during the times of Covid-crisis, Pakistani diplomats and those serving with the United Nations and other international organizations, have a critical role to play.

Ambassador Fareed, briefly outlined the historical and immense contribution of Pakistanis at the United Nations and its important work, saying their contribution has been appreciated.

Ambassador Rafiuzzan Siddiqui, Pakistan’s former High Commissioner to Bangladesh, said that Pakistan always overcome the myriad challenges it faced and stood tall in the comity of nations.

Jamil Ahmed, senior official in UNEP, New York, highlighted Pakistan’s efforts in climate change mitigation and encouraged other participants to play their role in that regard.

Pakistan’s Ambassador to Thailand Asim Ifikhar shared his joy in observing the patriotic zeal that Pakistanis displayed in Independence Day celebrations despite the tough situation faced due to Covid-19. He underlined the need for creating more synergies between the bilateral and multilateral fields of Pakistan’s diplomacy.

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Khalil Hashmi, highlighted the great legacy and strides that Pakistan have made despite being a young nation. He shared a brief historical account of how Pakistan through its effective diplomacy had helped a number of countries gain their independence.

Dr. Bilal Ahmed, a Pakistani staffer working for UNICEF, New York, underlined the critical humanitarian support provided by Pakistanis to the marginalized communities in most difficult areas in North Africa and Asia. He stressed that in these testing times, nothing but a sense of belonging and ownership with the country could inspire feeling of patriotism and self-sacrifice in the service of the nation.

All the participants expressed a deep sense of sorrow at a recent demise of Imtiaz Malik, a former Pakistani diplomat and a peacekeeper who laid down his life in line of duty at the UN Mission in Central Africa (MINUSCA).

In the concluding remarks, Ambassador Munir Akram appreciated the efforts made by the Pakistan Club and encouraged it to continue organizing such events in the future.

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