A high level meeting expresses grave concern over the latest corona wave in AJK

MUZAFFARABAD, (19th March, 2021, 11:43 pm) (APP):The High level Meeting under the chair of Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider here on Friday which appraised the latest corona situation in Azad Kashmir.
The Meeting was attended by Minster Health Dr.Najib Naqi , Minister Education Barrister Iftikher Gilani,Secretary Health Major General Ehsan Altaf,Director General Health Dr.Sardar Ataf Khan,Principal Secretary Fida Hussain Kiyani,Sectories of Schools and Colleges,Commissioner Muzaffarabad Division Tehzib un Nisa, Deputy Commissioner Abdul Hameed Kiyani and Chairman Centre Zakat Council Sahibzada Saleem Chasti and others also attended the Meeting.
The participants of the Meeting expressed their grave concern over the recent wave of corona virus which was witnessed active in Azad Kashmir.
The Meeting decided that the strict implementation of SOPs would be ensured to protect the citizens from this fatal virus and visits of markets, Transport stations, Educational Institutions and other public places would be made to appraise the situation and other decisions would be taken accordingly.
According to the details, the Meeting also decided that requests would be made to Ulmas and Khatibs to ensure the implementation of SOPs in Masajid and Madaris besides, the implementation on SOPs would be ensured at any cost on the functions including marriage parties and other social functions.
The AJK Premier Raja Farooq while expressing his severe concern over the reactivation of corona virus said the third wave of corona in AJK was alarming and the carelessness from the common citizens was adding fuel to the fire. He asked the people to demonstrate with their responsibilities and follow the SOPs as a preventive measure so that this fatal virus could be controlled.
He cautioned the citizens that if they failed in following SOPs, the strict measures would be taken in response.
The PM observed that protection of life and property was the prime responsibility of the government and we desire that public should carry on their economic activities and their routine activities should not halt he said, adding that they should follow SOPs voluntarily in order to prevent themselves from this virus.
Haider directed the Education Minister Barrister Iftikhar during the Meeting and asked him to collect the reports of corona cases in schools and present the report in next meeting of those schools which were corona effected besides, submit the proposals in view of the future exams of schools and HSS.
AJK PM said that Mirpur division is the centre of corona and corona cases in Ponch district are also increasing which he termed alarming./APP/SZS
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