Abnormal Rise In Blood Sugar In Recovered Covid Patients

Korea hands over COVID-19 medical equipments in Islamabad

India: A survey done by the All India Institute of Medical Science in Patna has found abnormal rise in blood sugar level in people who were infected with coronavirus during the second wave of the pandemic this year.

The telephonic survey by AIIMS in Patna dialled some 3,000 people who were treated for COVID-19 and asked them about their health long after recovering from Covid.

Dr Anil Kumar, head of the post-trauma department and community outreach, said they asked about at least 11 types of health issues including fatigue and loss of appetite and recorded what the recovered Covid patients explained to them.

The survey was also used to advice the recovered patients about corrective steps such as proper diet and exercises that may help them in the long run.

Out of the 3,000 respondents, 480 or 16 per cent reported their blood sugar level rose after they recovered from Covid. A whooping 840 or 28 per cent reported feeling weak long after they have tested negative. A total of 636 or 21.2 per cent reported they have fatigue after Covid.

There was one case of a minor amputation.

Here are some details about what the respondents said: cough (474 or 15.8 per cent), breathing problem (150 or 5 per cent), gangrene (10 or 0.33 per cent), hypertension (210 or 7 per cent), Black Fungus (5 or 0.16 per cent) and psychiatric issues like anxiety and palpitation (120 or 4 per cent).

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