Kashmiris not to succumb to India’s repression: AJK President


MIRPUR (APP): Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has called upon the Kashmiri and Pakistani expatriates to make incessant efforts to highlight Kashmir issue in Europe in its true perspective.

“Kashmir was and would never become part of India and the solution to this dispute lies in the relevant UN resolutions”, he declared while addressing the Kashmiri and Pakistani Diaspora in Belgians’ city of Brussals on Saturday, AJK Presidential secretariat said in a press statement issued Saturday evening.  Masood said that India through the use of brute force would never succeed in suppressing the just struggle of Kashmiri people for the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination. He said that the Kashmiri people had never succumbed or surrendered to India’s repressive means nor will they do so in the future.

The president called upon the diaspora community to play their active role in apprising the international community of the agonies of people of occupied Kashmir. “The constant curfew imposed by the Indian usurper government in the held territory under its plan of systemic ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri people, has created acute shortage of food and life-saving drugs,” he said adding that the use of pellet guns and other sophisticated weapons by the Indian forces have left several Kashmiri people killed or had rendered them blinds. Talking about the brutality of Indian forces, he pointed out that even kerosene oil was being thrown on the food stocks in occupied Kashmir.

About Pakistan’s role in highlighting Kashmir issue, Sardar Masood Khan said that Pakistan believes in the peaceful settlement of the issue, and it has enhanced its efforts on the diplomatic front despite India’s provocations at the Line of Control. Earlier, addressing the function, Pakistan Ambassador to Belgium, the European Union and Luxembourg, Zaheer Aslam Janjua stressed the community to play a pro-active role in highlighting the issue, particularly the human rights violations. He said that the figure of unlawful detentions has crossed 6,000, with curfew running into the second month. He said Kashmir, being on the UN agenda for the last about seven decades, was not an internal matter of India. India has violated not only the UN Security Council resolutions but also international laws, and bilateral Pakistan-India agreements.

The ambassador said that Pakistan will continue its moral, political and diplomatic support to the just struggle of people of Kashmir. Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi have apprised the world leaders about the Kashmir issue, and have asked them to use their good offices to compel India to withdraw its troops from Kashmir. This was for the first time in the last 52 years that the UN Security Council held its session on Kashmir, he added.

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