Are you aware that Halima Sultan ended her marriage in 10 minutes?


The Turkish drama series Drilis Ertugrul has become the talk of the town in Pakistan. One of the special part about the series is the female lead Halima Sultan, which is played by Esra Bilgic.

While the actress’s personal life is being discussed we just got to know that the actress ended her 2 years marriage in only 10 minutes. Esra was married to the Turkish footballer Gökhan Töre in 2017. The marriage took place in the presence of Turkish President Erdogan. But the duo decided to break up in 2019.

In the court meeting the actress renounced all the properties claims against her partner. In turn the footballer claimed to have no complaints against the spouse. As a result the court session was completed in 10 minutes .

However the actress is most famous actress in the country and is enjoying her single status. The actress has over two million followers now.

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