Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez tests positive for COVID-19


Buenos Aires, April 2021: Argentina’s President Alberto Fernandez, who has been vaccinated against Covid-19, announced on Friday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. “At the end of today, after presenting a fever of 37.3 (99 Fahrenheit) and a slight headache, I performed an antigen test, which was positive,” he tweeted.

A PCR test later confirmed the diagnosis. The president, who turned 62 on Friday, was in isolation as a precaution but said he was “physically well.”

He said although he would have liked to end his birthday without this news, he was also in good spirits and that he had no idea how he got infected.

Adding, “I am someone who takes very good care of myself. If it were not for the vaccine, I would be having a very bad time,” he said. Fernandez was inoculated with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine and had his second shot on February 11.

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