Azerbaijan Airliner crash is likely a Missile hit overhead Grozny

Azerbaijan Airliner crash is likely a Missile hit overhead Grozny | Baaghi TV

We predicted an imminent threat of shooting down of an airliner in the conflict zones about four months back.

(Linkedin post)

The implosion marks on the surviving tail section are indicative of the explosion of a surface to air missile (SAM) near the aircraft. The SAMs are desindgend in such a way that they explode near the aircraft causing damage which results in crash.

(Tail picture shows the damage caused by an explosion of SAM near the aircraft)

Various videos are circulating in the social media and now many air crash investigation experts have anlayzed them and are of the same opinion. Though the investigation report on the crash is going to confirm it but the evidence looks irrefutable.

Flying airliners in or near the conflict zones is never advisable and we have already witnessed various crashes as a result of a mistaken identity and hundreds of precious lives have been lost.

For detailed report on the various shooting downs of the airliners and how that can be avoided with detailed procedure written in 2019 can be found in my LinkedIn articles
and can also be accessed on the link below. Ukrainian Airliner was shot as a mistaken identity in Tehran six months after that.
Imminent threat of Shooting Down of Airliners in the Straits of Hormuz.

Lossing precious lives in such uncalled for incidences is always painful and Aircraft Owners and Operators Association (AOOA Pakistan) has offered condolences to berieved families in Azerbaijan and beyond and has also offered to help in the crash investigation.

Being the founder of AOOA Pakistan I offer full support to Azerbaijan and it’s people in this time of grief and sorrow.


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