‘Biggest lie’: Harris under fire for falsely accusing Hamas of rapes


US Vice President Kamala Harris has sparked outrage after promoting unproven and false Israeli claims that Palestinian resistance fighters raped Israeli women and killed some 1,200 Israelis during their October 7 blitz on Israeli military sites and settlements that were once Arab farms and villages.


“It’s absolutely shameful that Kamala Harris is repeating atrocity propaganda on national TV,” Ashish Prashar, an American based political strategist and commentator, told the media.


“Yet she goes out there and continues to spread those lies to justify Israel’s right to genocide.”


On the other hand, during the most awaited presidential debate with rival Donald Trump on Tuesday night, Harris refused to discuss Israel’s mass slaughter of Palestinians in besieged Gaza.


Instead she chose to repeat lies and false claims of sexual and gender-based violence peddled by the Israeli regime and far-right Western media.


“Women were horribly raped,” she falsely claimed during the debate. “And so absolutely, I said then I say now Israel has a right to defend itself. We would,” she justified her support for Israel.


Harris also mentioned that “Hamas slaughtered 1200 Israelis,” despite Israeli officials, local media and experts arguing that Israel used its notorious Hannibal Directive to kill its own people during its response to Hamas’ surprise raid. The controversial military strategy instructs the Israeli military to kill fellow soldiers and ordinary Israelis in the event of a kidnapping situation.


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