Boris Johnson makes his big-time debut at Biarritz

London, Aug 20 (AFP/APP):Prime Minister Boris Johnson makes his debut on the global stage at the G7 summit this weekend, where all eyes will be on his chumminess with US President Donald Trump.
The summit in France opens on Saturday, the one-month anniversary of the gaffe-prone Brexit cheerleader and former foreign secretary becoming premier.
“What we’ll make of this is whether Boris Johnson manages to be a different person on the world stage than he managed as foreign secretary — because he was a disappointment,” Bronwen Maddox, director of the Institute for Government think tank, told AFP.
She said his 2016-18 spell as Britain’s foreign minister was marked by jokes, blunders and little in the way of achievements.
His meeting with Trump will be one of the highlights to watch for at the August 24-26 summit in the glitzy resort of Biarritz on France’s southwest coast.
“It is going to be very significant the type of message he sends,” said Anna Nadibaidze, a research and communications associate at the Open Europe think tank.
It will signal “where the UK wants to go forward after Brexit,” she said.