Britain’s Kate Middleton goes under self-isolation

Britain's Kate Middleton goes under self-isolation #Baaghi

Lahore, 5th July: British royal Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, has self-isolated herself after she came into contact with someone who subsequently tested positive for COVID-19.

A spokesperson for Kensington Palace informed, “Last week the Duchess of Cambridge came into contact with someone who has subsequently tested positive for COVID-19.”

The statement said that Her Royal Highness is not experiencing any symptoms, but is following all relevant government guidelines and is self-isolating at home.

According to the latest reports, Kate Middleton is doing fine during her self-isolation and is not feeling any symptoms yet.

As per government guidelines, she will self-isolate for 10 days.

According to details, Kate Middleton, wife of Queen Elizabeth’s grandson Prince William, attended a series of events last week including the Wimbledon tennis championships on Friday.

She was due to attend the event to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of Britain’s National Health Service on Monday with Prince William, who is not supposed to self-isolate.

Last April, Prince William fell ill with the disease at about the same time his father Prince Charles contracted the virus.

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