Chief Justice of Pakistan visits SOS village, Peshawar

The Chief Justice of Pakistan (CPJ), Justice Yahya Afridi, visited SOS village in Hayatabad Peshawar, an institution which his late father Umer Khan Afridi patronized all his life.
The Chief Justice was accompanied by his wife.
THe CJP was briefed by the Director of the Village Ms. Kokab Batool Qureshi.
The SOS Peshawar is a Charity Organization funded through private donations. It currently houses around 121 children from various age groups up to 25-26 years. The SOS Peshawar provides boarding facilities to orphans and abandoned children. In addition to providing quality education as well as technical skills, it also arranges marriages of children. The Chief Justice and the madam interacted with the kids and took a keen interest in their routine activities.
They both shared lunch with the kids and encouraged them in their curricular and extra-curricular activities. He mentored them to excel in their studies to become useful for themselves as well as for society.
He also lauded the role of the Director of the SOS and appreciated her keen interest in maintaining discipline on the campus as well as high standards of education and upkeep of the institution. The Chief Justice assured the children and management of SOS Village that he would be available for them whenever needed.

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