Corona virus kills 118 Pakistanis, infects 3,838 in one day

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Aug 31, 2021: In the last 24 hours, 118 deaths have been reported from the novel corona virus in Pakistan as the number of positive cases has increased to 1,160,119. Out of the total, 104 deaths occurred in hospitals.

The death toll from corona virus rose to 25,788 nationwide on Tuesday. In the last 24 hours, 3,838 people tested positive for COVID-19, according to the latest figures from the National Command and Operations Center (NCOC).

According to province wise details Punjab is the most affected province in terms of deaths, followed by Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. So far, 11,823 people have lost their lives to corona virus in Punjab, 6,834 in Sindh, 4,944 in KP, 863 in Islamabad, 695 in Azad Kashmir, 338 in Balochistan and 173 in GB.

Furthermore 431,636 corona virus cases have been confirmed in Sindh, 393,136 in Punjab, 161,853 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 99,263 in Islamabad, 32,230 in Balochistan, 32,095 in Azad Kashmir and 9,906 in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Pakistan has so far conducted 17,756,332 coronavirus tests and 52,112 in the last 24 hours. 1,039,758 patients have recovered in the country whereas 5,542 patients are in critical condition.

Meanwhile, 7 more confirmed patients of corona virus from Islamabad Capital Territory and Rawalpindi District have died from the disease in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll in the area to 1,961 while 330 new ones from the area patients tested positive for corona virus.

The total number of corona virus patients reported from the Twin Cities so far is 130,963. Figures compiled by the NCOC show that the population of the Twin Cities is being hit hardest by the fourth wave of corona virus because in the last two weeks, the virus has killed 68 people in the region, with 7,170 being reported over past two weeks. More than 512 cases have been reported daily from ICT and Rawalpindi district in the last 14 days.

It is important to note that almost all educational institutions in both the public and private sectors reopened in the first week of August after the summer holidays, and since then the spread of the corona virus has accelerated, with more than 16,700 new patients arriving from the Twin Cities in August.

It is also a matter of concern that in the last 24 hours, the positivity rate of corona virus in Rawalpindi district has reached 13%. Of the 945 samples tested in Rawalpindi, 125 reported as positive.

According to details, the death toll from Rawalpindi district has risen to 1,098 in the last 24 hours after five more deaths due to corona virus. In Rawalpindi district, 118 more patients have tested positive in the last 24 hours, bringing the number to 32,012, out of which 28,993 patients have recovered.

With toal 538 ventilators being used across the country for corona virus cases, The percentage of occupied ventilators in hospitals is; 72 for Multan, 52 for Lahore, 47 in Bahalwapur and 42 in Peshawar. The total occupancy of beds stands at 85 in Swabi, 66 in Gujrat,  65 in Abbotabad and 58 in Multan. There is no patient on vent in Balochistan, GB and AJK.

Among 639 hospitals with corona virus treatment facilities, 6096 patients were admitted across the country.

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