COVID-19: Major Asghar succumbs to deadly virus


Rawalpindi: While protecting his dear compatriots from the coronavirus, a major of the Pakistan Army has passed away.

According to reports, officers and youth of Pakistan are serving day and night in different parts of the country and on different fronts to prevent the spread of the novel virus. One such individual was, Major Mohammad Asghar of the Pakistan Army, who contracted the deadly virus while serving his country. According to reports Major Asghar was rescuing others, but could not save himself and died due to the Coronavirus.

According to ISPR sources, Major Mohammad Asghar was on duty at Torkham on the Pak-Afghan border, carrying out the screening of people crossing the border, and carrying out his duties to protect people from COVID-19.

According to ISPR, a few days ago, Major Muhammad Asghar fell ill and was shifted to Peshawar CMH, where he continued his treatment. According to sources, despite all efforts, he could not recover and has reportedly reunited with his Creator.

The Pakistan Army has commended the Major for his services to the nation and country.

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