CTD arrests the main suspect in Mardan Suicide Attack

CTD arrests the main suspect in Mardan Suicide Attack #Baaghi

Lahore, 8th July: Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) carried out their operation as a result of which the main accused in Mardan suicide attack has been arrested.

Baaghi TV reports that the Mardan Region Anti-Terrorism Department took important action against the accused in the Mardan suicide attack that took place in 2016.

The main accused in the Mardan Kachehri suicide bombing was arrested back in 2016. According to details, during the Mardan suicide blast, 3 policemen, 10 civilians were martyred while 3 policemen and 47 civilians were injured.

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The Mardan Region Anti-Terrorism Department was informed by undercover sources that the main accused was a notorious terrorist Tilawat alias Khula son of Mian Syed resident of Inayat Kalay Bajaur is present at Ghazi Baba Chowk Mohib Banda area of ​​Garhi Kapura Mardan police station.
A special raid team was formed to nab the terrorist and arrest Tilawat. The investigation is underway and more important revelations are expected.

In addition, CTD Mardan Region has earlier arrested other key accused in the Mardan suicide blast, Alif Gul, Syed Rehman and Mohammad Khan, residents of Misriabad Mardan and Wakhar have been arrested and issued challans from the court.

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