Dehydration, lack of sleep triggers migraine: Health expert


ISLAMABAD, Sep 24 (APP):Nearly 14 percent of the world population bears the throbbing pain of migraine due to water deficiency and lack of sleep, its main victims are women and children attending school, health experts said on Tuesday.

Neurosurgeon Dr. Raza Rizvi said migraine is not a disease but a deteriorated health condition due to lack of sleep and water but most of the time patients are not aware of it s causes and opt pain killers to get rid of the constant ache.

“I am visited by many migraine effected people who do not even know that following an unhealthy life style is creating problems for them,” he said.

Another triggering reason of migraine was the stress and depression so again it was in the hands of patients to avoid the headache agents, he said.

Patient feels dizziness, nausea and hurting pain that could be occurred on right or left portion of the head, while experiencing migraine one could not pay attention on daily tasks and wanted to be left alone in dark and serene place, he stated.

There could be multiple causes of migraine headache but dehydration and insufficient sleep were the most common reasons as majority do not pay attention to it, he added.

One thing people should be aware of that there was no permanent cure of migraine but the prevention, so at initial stages herbal remedies do work but only in case if one knows the causing reasons of his headache, he informed.

He advised, pain killers could less the pain or bring intervals between migraine attacks but it could not eliminate the problem, take low dose of pain killer when one starts feeling dizziness or slow pain but one should must visit a qualified doctor if getting severe pangs of pain, he added.

Self medication could lead to other severe side-effects as stomach ulcer and acidity which became common among the patients who did self medication, consult quacks or pharmacist, he said.
It could be cured only by the will of people as they should start in taking enough water and sleep well by switching off mobile phones as it has worsened the life style of people and damaged their health, he suggested.

Exercise, meditation and healthy-life style could help in lessening the stress and depression, he concluded.


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