Dr.Shahid Masood becomes South Asia’s only individual to be elected as Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government as a Senior Executive Fellow this year


February 18, 2021

BaaghiTV: Leading analyst Dr. Shahid Masood has joined Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government as a Senior Executive Fellow. He is the only person from South Asia to be elected this year. John F. Kennedy School was founded in 1932 at Harvard University. Has a unique position in the world as the highest educational institution in the United States, with 8 American presidents and 161 Nobel laureates.

Dr. Shahid Masood, who these days is associated with a private TV channel for some time now, has previosuly been associated with Jang Group and GeoTV for a long time, during which time he obtained a master’s degree in international public relations and defense from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

This year’s recipients of the fellowship from Harvard University include senior defense experts from various countries, high-ranking diplomats and a total of 60 personalities from international organizations.

Members of the faculty include, Former US Deputy Secretary of State and former US Ambassador to NATO Nicholas Burns, former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, former Deputy National Security Adviser Megan Sullivan, former White House Director David Gergan and former Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman who represents the Biden administration in the middle east as the Special Representative to Iran. 

Dr. Shahid Masood will soon write a commentary on the situation in the country and abroad for the daily Jang and The News.

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