Du’aa the Weapon of a Believer


Du’aa means “invocation”. It is an act of Ibadah as the Prophet (SAW) said, “Du’aa is worship.” But unlike Salah, Du’aa is not obligatory and can be made anytime and anywhere by anyone.

In Islam, it is a very important act as it is direct communication between you and Allah. In fact, it is the most powerful and effective act of worship a human being can engage in. The Prophet (SAW) said, “There is nothing dearer to Allah than a servant making Du’aa to Him.” Simultaneously, He gets angry with those who do not ask from Him.

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[bs-quote quote=”There is nothing dearer to Allah than a servant making Du’aa to Him.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Prophet (SAW) “][/bs-quote]

The events of history prove that indeed Du’aa is the assurance that nothing is impossible for Allah. For example, before the Battle of Badr, the Prophet (SAW) prayed the whole night for the victory of Muslims and at last they emerged victorious over the army which was triple in size compared to them. In another incident, when Prophet Yaqoob (AS) lost his son Yusuf (AS), he always prayed to see him, although he waited for forty years until he met his son. It was his Du’aa that reached Allah. This again shows that Du’aa is the hope which never dies.

The importance of Du’aa can also be measured by the fact that it is the only weapon in Islam which can alter predestination. The Prophet (SAW) said, “Nothing can prevent predestination except Du’aa, and nothing stretches the age except righteousness.” Most importantly, as Du’aa is the direct relationship between a person and His Lord, it strengthens him spiritually. The more you to talk to Allah, the closer you become to Him. It increases one in his Iman. Moreover, the best gift you can give to anyone or the perfect solution to any problem is Du’aa. For example, the situation in countries like Palestine, Syria and Iraq is quite serious and critical. Millions died due to numerous attacks. Along with physical help, it is mandatory that we as Muslims, should make Du’aa for the lives lost and the ones in danger. Similarly, if someone is ill, although he seeks medical help, simultaneously he should make Du’aa to Allah for his health. So, it is the best thing you can do to anyone and a way to help yourself too.

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[bs-quote quote=”Nothing can prevent predestination except Du’aa, and nothing stretches the age except righteousness.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Prophet (SAW)”][/bs-quote]

Furthermore, it is very important to note that Du’aa shows one’s total dependence on his Lord. It clears Allah’s authority in all fields that He is the only Lord, the only sustainer, everything is in His hands and only He can provide. You are His creation so just bow in front of Him and only ask Him!

Though Du’aa can be made in any manner, the Prophet (SAW) gave us some instructions to beautify the method of our prayer. For example, being in a state wudhu, facing towards the Qiblah and raising your both hands, are the most common manners. Muslims carry humility, entreaty, longing and fear while making Du’aa. The best way to make Du’aa is when one starts with praising Allah and sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Allah is pleased when we beseech Him using His beautiful names. Make Du’aa in any condition as the Prophet (SAW) said, “The one who likes Allah to answer him at times of adversity and hardship, let him increase in making Du’aa in times of ease.” Make reference to previous good deeds. It is commendable to repeat Du’aa three times.

Above all, one must be firm when making Du’aa. The Prophet (SAW) said, “When one of you supplicates, he should not say, ‘O God, forgive me if You will; but be firm in asking and make the desire great, for what God gives is nothing great for Him.” Allah also says, “And He gave you from all you asked of Him.” (14:34) That clearly means that He provides everything we ask but in His own way. Thus, it is in our hands as to what we want. Indeed, if we cry and beg like a stubborn child who will stop at nothing, Allah will love it and give us what we want, as the Prophet (SAW) said, “Any Muslim who supplicates to Allah in a Du’aa which contains no sin or breaking of kinship, Allah will give him of three things: either his Du’aa will be immediately answered, or it will be saved for him in the hereafter, or it will turn away an equivalent amount of evil (from him).” The companions said, “Then we will ask for more.” He (SAW) replied, “Allah is more [generous].” Your Du’aa will never go to waste.

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[bs-quote quote=”The one who likes Allah to answer him at times of adversity and hardship, let him increase in making Du’aa in times of ease.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Prophet (SAW)”][/bs-quote]

Unequivocally, there is goodness in Allah’s every plan, every plan! No matter then, we are able to comprehend it or not. One of the most important points that I want to highlight here is that we must not rely on our ‘nafs’ or ‘order’ Allah while making Du’aa. This is because Allah is more reliable than our own selves. What a beautiful way it is to ask Allah to grant you goodness in every matter there in because He knows what we know not. Learn to ‘accept’ then and be grateful.

At last, there are no prerequisites for Du’aa but there are particular times and occasions when Du’aa is immediately accepted, if Allah wills. For example, the most opportune moments for the acceptance of the supplication are the Day of Arafat, the month of Ramadan, Fridays, after prescribed prayers, at the time of rainfall, between the Adhan and Iqamah, at times of panic, at dawn, at time of tahajjud and during prostration.

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Similarly, all supplications are generally accepted as the Prophet (SAW) said, “Your Lord is Ever Living, the Generous. He is ashamed to turn away the hands when they are raised up before Him.” There are some people whose supplications are accepted more readily, like a traveler, a fasting person, the one who is wronged or oppressed, parents praying for their children, the one who is ill, the one who is grief stricken, a just ruler, a person praying for another person in his absence and an orphan. The supplication by a person is not accepted who earns his living through unlawful means, takes loans on interest, who wishes for the loss of another being and the one who is impatient that his prayer is not being accepted.

[bs-quote quote=”There are some people whose supplications are accepted more readily, like a traveler, a fasting person, the one who is wronged or oppressed, parents praying for their children, the one who is ill, the one who is grief stricken, a just ruler, a person praying for another person in his absence and an orphan.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Ayesha Arif” author_job=”Contributor, Baaghi TV”][/bs-quote]

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Despite all this, one must always keep in mind that Allah is All-Hearing, as He says, “And when My servant asks you (O Muhammad) concerning me- indeed I am near. I respond to the call of the caller when he calls upon Me. So, let them respond to Me (by obedience) and believe in Me that that they maybe rightly guided.” (2:186) This verse makes it evident that no matter what, Allah will respond to even a single call made to Him by anyone. He does not just respond to the good people or to the ones who make a lot of Du’aa. The one who never prayed and invoked Him will also be heard. The Prophet (SAW) said, “Du’aa is a weapon of a Muslim, a pillar of Deen and the light of the skies and the earth.”

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