Election Commission to hear the disqualification petitions against Faisal Wawda

Dec 23, 2021: The Election Commission will hear the disqualification petitions against Faisal Wawda.
PTI leader Faisal Wawda appeared before the Election Commission. Counsel for the petitioner said that today is the 23rd hearing in the Election Commission.
Faisal Wawda’s lawyer submitted his birth certificate to the commission. Faisal Wawda’s lawyer told the Election Commission that Faisal Wawda was born in California, USA. Sindh asked to give the date of revocation of the passport. The Chief Election Commissioner inquired whether the revocation of the passport meant that the citizenship was revoked. The lawyer said that it was written in the order of the Returning Officer that Faisal Wawda’s foreign passport had been revoked.
NADRA cancelled Faisal Wawda’s Nicop in 2018 and issued identity card, Faisal Wawda also presented NADRA’s certificate of being a Pakistani citizen, Chief Election Commissioner said that it remains to be seen whether NADRA can issue such certificate or not, lawyer he said that NADRA issues identity cards only after verification by IB.
Barrister Moeed said that if Faisal Wawoda is no longer MNA then how can there be disqualification on this application? Qadir Mandokhel deliberately approached the wrong forum for media trial. Faisal Wawda’s lawyer Barrister Moeed completed his arguments, Faisal Wawda said that as MNA candidate I did not know much about law.
ECP reserved judgment in Faisal Wada disqualification case.
On the other hand, after the hearing in the Election Commission, Qadir Mando Khel said that if Faisal Wawda had given up his dual citizenship before the nomination papers, the case would not have arisen. Faisal Wawda gave up his dual citizenship later. I will leave my National Assembly seat. Commission has reserved the decision of the case after 3 and a half years.
After appearing before the Election Commission, Faisal Wawda said that we have submitted all the evidence and documents. No evidence was presented by the opposition. He submitted a written reply with the documents to the Election Commission. The ECP heard the case thoroughly. The ECP asked the petitioners why they did not approach the relevant forum. The petitioners made various excuses and completed all the legal work before the election.
The petition filed for disqualification of Faisal Wawda states that he submitted fake affidavits in the nomination papers. The petition said that Faisal Wawda should be disqualified for submitting fake affidavit as he was not honest and trustworthy. The Supreme Court has disqualified two members for having dual citizenship.
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