Entire country united on Kashmir issue: Qureshi


ISLAMABAD, Aug 4 (APP): Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi Tuesday said the entire country would send a strong message to India on the one-year anniversary of military siege in Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir (IIOK) on August 5 that it was united on Kashmir cause.

Talking to PTV news channel, after attending the All Parties Conference, the foreign minister said that he had invited all political parties and stakeholders, which included the PPP, PML-N and other parties’ leaderships, to the Foreign Office where they will exchange views on the Kashmir issue.

Shah Mehmood also thanked opposition parties for participating in negotiations with government on Kashmir issue and appreciated their positive inputs. “We will take the political and Kashmiri leadership into confidence regarding the issue,” he stressed, adding that the Yaum-e-Istehsal event will also come under discussion during today’s cabinet session.

Pakistan’s political parties, from treasury and opposition benches, have formed consensus over the Kashmir issue, he added. Pakistani nation, political parties, and the armed forces were on the same page regarding Kashmir, he highlighted.

“Despite torture, oppression, and imprisonment, India cannot dampen the spirits of Kashmiris,” he said, adding that the country had rejected India’s unconstitutional and unilateral move on August 5, 2019.

He said on August 5, we will hold a special parliamentary session on Kashmir issue.
“India’s Hindutva ideology is not only a threat to Kashmiris but to the entire region’s peace, he said, adding, we will continue raise plight of Kashmiris at every forum”.
Indian troops are targeting unarmed civilians across the LoC. Kashmiris have already rejected India’s move of August 5, he added.

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