Experts call for ‘Public awareness’ on rising usage of ‘E cigarette’ among teenagers


ISLAMABAD, Sep 10 (APP):Health experts on Tuesday called for public awareness on rising usage of electronic cigarettes among teenagers and the negative health impact of tobacco on health and to advocate for effective e-cigarette control policies and laws in the country to save their future.

Talking to private news channel, Lung specialist Prof Dr Javed Khan stressed on the need for more rigorous anti-tobacco campaigns that focuses on tobacco cigarettes and on the rising trend of e-cigarettes among youth to create awareness about the harmful effects of smoking.

He said the rising popularity of vaping has been increased, especially among teenager, adding, roughly 5 percent of the country’s teenagers are currently using e-cigarettes and there should be a ban on the sale of e-cigarettes. He said we remains extremely troubled about the rapid increase of youth using these products and has repeatedly called upon the authorities concerned to increase their oversight and scrutiny of these products to protect kids. He said e-cigarette use among youth is a significant public health concern and steps must be taken by parents, educators and especially policymakers to discourage use of e-cigarettes.

Dr Javed explained that many harmful chemicals, including nicotine were being used in the composition of this harmful e-cigarette which was toxic to humans and could cause health issues.
E-cigarettes are known by many different names. They are sometimes called “e-cigs,” “e-hookahs,” “mods,” “vape pens,” “vapes,” “tank systems,” and “electronic nicotine delivery systems.”
Chemicals in vaping fluid also can cause acute lung injuries and contribute to lung and cardiovascular disease down the line, specialist says.
Moreover, he said ,youth needed to be educated about the product.
He said the retail sale of e-cigarettes is allowed in country and there are no restrictions on the use and labeling of e-cigarettes.
“E-cigarettes are not completely risk-free but when compared to smoking, evidence shows they carry just a fraction of the harm,” he mentioned. Young people who use e-cigarettes may be more likely to smoke cigarettes in the future, he said.
People with chronic medical problems like heart disease, cancer, asthma and breathing disorders were also more likely to vape than individuals without these common health issues.

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