Fawad Ch pays tributes to martyrs of Karbala


ISLAMABAD, Sep 10 (APP):Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry in a message on the eve of Yaum-e-Ashura on Tuesday has paid rich tributes to Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions for offering their lives to uphold Shariat.

Talking to private news channel Fawad Chaudhry said, Karbala always exists but its battlefield changes adding that ritual of Imam Hussain (AS) will continue until the end of falsehood.

He said that today Kashmir is Karbala, Palestine is Karbala while followers of Imam Hussain (AS) are in a fight and always truth defeats falsehood, InshAllah. “The best way to pay tribute to the martyrs of Karbala was to follow their footsteps in real sense,” he added.

He appealed the nation of the state to observe Muharram with peace, amity, harmony and brotherhood. The Minister also prayed for peace, harmony and normalcy in Kahsmir.

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