GM negative role in major accidents of PR revealed

Islamabad, 15th July: The high level investigation of major accidents of Pakistan Railway was started and in the initial part of investigation the negative role of General Manager Railway Aftab Akbar was revealed.
According to the initial investigation Aftab Akbar had deliberately created hurdles in the completion process of number of projects of Pakistan Railway on time. Many contracts were awarded to blue-eyed contractors. Financial corruption and dishonesty was common in the department.
The inner sources stated that General manager Aftab Akbar has put the department on the verge of collapse through dishonesty and corruption. Sources further revealed that even the Federal Minister was reluctant to take action against the above mentioned officer. It astonished that more than 79 accidents of Pakistan Railway have been occurred in the ten months of sitting government as number of people had lost lives in these sorrowful accidents.
It has been disclosed in the initial investigation that contracts of number of projects of Pakistan Railway hadn’t been awarded on time because of Aftab Akbar’s negative attitude as he created hurdles for his personal interest. Sources stated that even the investigation committee was determined to charge sheet Aftab Akbar.
Railway Transport Manager has also directed Aftab to fulfill duties under the rules and regulations. Sources further disclosed the Aftab Akbar close friend contractor Malik Nisar had allegedly grabbed million of rupees of Pakistan railway. He got number of contracts of carnes holding in Peshawar and Lahore. When, contacted Pakistan Railway spokesperson he didn’t give any clarification in this regard.