Google just destroyed ChatGPT: 7 ways you can use Google Duet AI at work today


Google has announced the expansion of its Duet AI assistant to all its Workspace applications, encompassing Gmail, Drive, Slides, Docs, and more. This technology, which has undergone testing involving over a million users, will now be available to paying customers of Google’s Workspace apps.

Initially unveiled at the I/O developer conference earlier this year, Duet AI offers a range of capabilities to enhance collaboration across Google apps. Users can instruct Duet to transform a Google Docs outline into a Slides presentation or create a chart from spreadsheet data. It also serves as a creative tool, generating email responses, images, or grammar checks. Duet aids in Drive searches, document summarization, and more. It combines Clippy’s work-oriented helpfulness with ChatGPT’s creative prowess.

Moreover, the term “Duet” encompasses various app-specific features. In Google Meet, it involves AI-based enhancements for lighting and sound, as well as automated meeting summaries. In Chat, Duet offers automatic summaries of lengthy conversations.

However, this advanced AI functionality comes at a price. Google will charge $30 per user for Duet access, at least for large organizations. Pricing for smaller teams has yet to be finalized. This aligns with Microsoft’s pricing for Copilot, their AI system with similar cross-app features in the Office suite.

Challenges persist due to the inherent imperfections of AI models, and the stakes are particularly high in handling critical business data. While Duet aims to remain grounded in user data and files, users are advised to exercise caution and verify information, given the potential risks of misinterpretation or invention.

For Workspace users, Duet will soon be integrated into various apps. It can be accessed through a separate menu or by clicking the Duet icon in some instances. Google’s tendency to prominently feature new tools might make it hard to overlook Duet, even for those who prefer to do so, considering Google’s history of placing new features front and center, sometimes to the chagrin of users.

7 ways you can use Google Duet AI at work today: According to a Zain Kahn Post

• Generate images.

• Write email responses.

• Summarize documents and long texts.

• Scan apps like Gmail and Drive to find relevant information.

• Create presentations from text, charts and images in your files.

• Create notes, summaries, and action items during meetings.

• A “summary so far” for people who join a meeting late.

• Attend meeting on your behalf and take notes or deliver messages.

The best part? Duet AI works across Google Docs, Sheets, Meets, Presentations, Gmail and every other Google Workspace app.

Just search Duet AI online and sign up for a free trial today.

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