Govt and Mafia collaborating against masses


ISLAMABAD, JUNE 30 (Online): The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Tuesday said government has no justification to remain in power as it has failed to deliver and added to the miseries of masses.

Mafia cannot operate without the full patronage of the government and it cannot continue business for a single day without support of authorities, he said.

Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President PEW who is also Convener FPCCI Central Standing Committee on Insurance said that politicians and mafia have always remained close to each other but now masses are facing an unprecedented alliance between the two which has made their life very difficult.

While government and mafia seems to have teamed up against poor masses the attitude of opposition leaders has left much to be desired agitating many.

Those who matter should look into the situation as mass unrest and massive protests are unavoidable with serious consequences for the ruling elite.

He noted that ministers are doing nothing but issuing flowery statements, providing lame excuses for crises and condemning former rulers for everything which is not enough to calm enraged masses.

Those who voted for the ruling cabal are no more able to defend the actions of the government and the popularity of the PTI is on the lowest ebb, he said.


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