Grand Protest to be held against Nawaz Sharif

LONDON (27th Nov, 2019): The protest against former Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif to be held on 8th of December, 2019.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, the protest against Nawaz Sharif will be held on Sunday, 8th of December, outside his residence, Avenfield house, Dunraven St London, W1K 7AF.

The main slogan of the protest is “Return our stolen money.” Sources of Baaghi TV have confirmed that the large number of people will participate in the protest.

Reportedly, former Prime Minister had arrived in London to seek better medical treatment. He reached London in an air ambulance. Moreover, his doctor, Adnan Khan has claimed that NawazSharif had initial consultations with a team of experts who will manage him comprehensively.

“Donate Zakat To Save Your National Hero”: Campaign


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