Happy National Day of Taiwan posters come up outside Embassy of China in New Delhi by BJP


India: Posters wishing Taiwan a happy National Day come up outside Embassy of China in New Delhi, India. Posters put by India’s ruling party BJP leader Tajinder Singh Bagga. Chinese embassy had earlier threatened Indian media with a diktat to not cover National Day of Taiwan.

1 comment

  1. samir sardana 12 October, 2020 at 09:29 Reply

    If you analyse Chiang Kai Shek,and the elite of Taiwan – from the date of its creation,the leaders of Taiwan (in the majority) have been progressively getting closely integrated,with American-ism.The USA is the PAPA of Taiwan

    It is the natural corollary of time,when the opium of the people,is “capitalism and democracy”.It is a TRUTH
    that the people of HKSAR (before the hand over),Sinagpore and Taiwan,look down,upon the Mainland Chinese.This is a natural imputation,derived from years of Western Education,and Christian Philosophy (of Acquinas and Company).

    The result of the American Opium is that the KMT is also,tilting to the USA , for good

    Besides a brief interregnum in Taiwan Politics,the Political elite have always been Anti-PRC.Military procurement from the USA,and Trade with the USA,keeps the Political machinery well oiled,with the face of Lincoln,on the USD 100 bill.

    America is heading to a period of intense uncertainty and chaos – irrespective of the US poll outcome.THIS IS THE TIME FOR THE PLA TO STRIKE.dindooohindoo

    Ms Tsai knows that – and hence,the soft tone.

    Taiwan CANNOT BE defended. It is an Island.The only issue is,WHETHER US SOLDIERS,will die for Taiwan – like in the case of Vietnam.

    The more important question is that – WILL THE TAIWANESE people,lay down their lives,for their “capitalism and democracy”.

    I think NOT.

    In addition,the Taiwanese Military,will also,NOT die for their “capitalism and democracy”,once they see that the American BMD and ADS,cannot protect their airspace and their navy.

    An American can die for “capitalism and democracy” – even for a foreign nation and in a foreign nation – But a Taiwanese WILL NOT.

    But will an American,risk the PLA Rocket Force or Navy,making a move on Guam ?

    The answer is NO !

    And then there is DPRK – which is also awaiting the US Poll results.

    It is time for the PLA to end this poker game – as COVID is the greatest opportunity,after WW2,in the Asian Theatre.There will be another deadlier COVID,next year – but by then,nations will get,a false sense of resilience

    As of this instant,the world is in shock mode,with the geo-political shock,coming in 5 weeks (US Polls) and Taiwan is on a COVID high (as it has neutered the COVID Risk)

    COVID HIGH induces dementia,id.est., when the Taiwanese think that the Indians will secure Taiwanese interests !

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