How is the UN combating the ‘infodemic of misinformation’?

Following the outbreak of the global pandemic, COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) simultaneously engage in combating what is considered to be an ‘infodemic of misinformation’.
According to reports of Baaghi TV, the plethora of unreliable information circulating in social spheres today is greatly affecting the efforts of WHO and UN in combating against the global pandemic. They global organizations are constantly engaging in the act of dissipating false information, and rumors including unncessarily shared messages of hate and division.
Sources confirm that the UN is actively working to spread accurate information by means of messages to spread hope and solidarity among the world community. It has also been reported that due to the spread of fake information pertaining to COVID-19, there has been a direct affect on the potential to combat the novel virus.
According to reports of Baaghi TV, the UN is partaking in five useful ways to tackle what is considered as an ‘infodemic’ when it comes to false information, and they are:
Focusing on circulating accurate information:
The UN is focused on the transmission of information backed by science as they simultaneously tackle the multitude of myths circulating on social media.
- For this the WHO has reportedly established an ‘Information Network for Epidemics’ which helps to combine the technical as well as social media teams working to respond to the false information, myths, rumors and other specifically ‘tailored’ information.
- Secondly, UN missions on the ground are reportedly making use of the radio and social media platforms to dismiss the rumors and misinformation.
Working together with businesses:
The WHO and UN have actively partnered with businesses such as Facebook and WhatsApp.
- The WHO has launched a messaging service dedicated to providing services in several languages, which could potentially reach approximately 2 billion people across the world.
- Reportedly, focused on launching an interactive chatbot in collaboration with Rakuten Viber which could have the potential to reach almost 1 billion people.
Partnering with media outlets and journalists:
Working to partner with media outlets and journalists across the globe, for which UNESCO has so far published two policy briefs to assess COVID-19 ‘disinfodemic’.
- The policy briefs are aimed at providing assistance to journalists working on the frontlines to combat the ‘disinfodemic’ of misinformation and rumores, respectively.
- The policy briefs are simultaneously focused on ensuring accurate and verifiable information is forwarded to the public.
Organizing civil societies:
By organizing a civil society, the UN aims to work closely with associated organizations such as the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) and its affiliates namely, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
- The DGC is focused on providing key sources of information to Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) with the opportunity to access and participate in contributing for UN high-level. So far, the newsletter reaches approximately 1,900 organizations across the globe.
- Partnering with WHO, the DGC has reportedly launched a global civil society survey related to COVID-19 to learn more about the misinformation and myths circulating around the world and threatening the progress the global response to the pandemic.
Speaking out:
The United Nations is simultaneously working to speak up for the rights, as they support the World Health Organization (WHO) in its efforts to promote credible, accurate reporting of facts, because WHO is serving as a lifeline.
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