“I may QUIT” migrating with the AVIATION business abroad

Preliminary Investigation Report for PK-8303 plane crash

It was corruption and nepotism that I first left the country about two decades ago. 

I voted for change and expected a real change in the country and returned to the country with my assets. Established the business in Aviation, created 70 plus jobs and it was being run successfully though with most of the problems of old Pakistan but still I could manage the things with some struggle.

[bs-quote quote=”I voted for change and expected a real change in the country and returned to the country with my assets.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Imran Aslam Khan”][/bs-quote]

Then came PK 8303 crash which exposed the dysfunctionality of the systems which were more or less destroyed by the vested interests or the corruption to say the least. The nepotism and corruption is so deep rooted that the survival has become very difficult in a place where merit and professionalism carries no values.

Further miseries are added by nonprofessional approach and attitude which is coupled with “Nalaiqi and Jahalat” of those who are at the helm of affairs in the government offices. It is so disappointing that people in the government offices do not consider the businessmen more than the GARBAGE. They do not understand that they are being paid out of the tax payer’s money but act and behave like the masters of the TAX PAYERS.

[bs-quote quote=”The nepotism and corruption is so deep rooted that the survival has become very difficult in a place where merit and professionalism carries no values.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Imran Aslam Khan”][/bs-quote]

Once we do the business and provide employments to the workforce we are respected and a foreign government even gave me the status of VIP as I was contributing to their economy. I thought I will do it for my country but I was wrong.

From the time I have returned to the country, I faced hurdle after another hurdle and they were for a purpose…the extortion. I can take it head on with certain limitations but I cannot just keep fighting it out for my life. Moreover, I have very strong conviction for the country and I can fight corruption but what I cannot fight is “Jahalat and Nalaiqi”. That is so deep rooted in here that it needs generations to overcome it and no individual in his life time can manage it.

Disappointed with all this fragmentation I am left with one option alone which I exercised a couple of decades ago that leave the country once again with heavy heart and migrate.

[bs-quote quote=”From the time I have returned to the country, I faced hurdle after another hurdle and they were for a purpose…the extortion.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Imran Aslam Khan “][/bs-quote]

Not difficult for me as my assets are not as big and difficult to shift as it may look like since it is very easy to get the export certificates for the aero plane. Winners will again be the corrupt and incompetent MAFIAS, of the nature that they distributed sweets once Shaheen Air was shut down and about 4,000 employees became jobless overnight, once again and me and my beloved country will be the losers.

Incompetency starts right from the Cabinet Members, Federal Secretaries and regulators and there is no end to it. Till the time we will understand the importance of the investors, entrepreneurs and professional work force we will continue to have the outwards flow of the investment and will continue to have the brain drain.

I will just write a little short brief on Aviation industry’s downfall here so that at least it’s brought on record. For good about three years there is a huge gap right from Minister aviation till three positions down below that no one knows what Aviation Industry is so they don’t know as to how things are managed internationally in this industry. From the pilot’s licensing issue till EASA, EU, FAA, USA and ICAO, no issue has been managed in any kind of professional manner. The regulatory or the CAA has failed to handle any matter with the mentioned authorities as once they unprofessionally respond to one question on the flight safety matter it raises further concerns and another ten questions are asked. It is so unprofessional handling of Aviation Safety matters that now we stand in the line of ICAO’s declared most pathetic performing countries of the world with SIGNIFICANT SAFETY CONCERN or the SSC issued as a Flight Safety concern. It should be a matter of concern for PTI government that such an achievement will remain under their belt for foreseeable time and history. This is incompetence at its best.

[bs-quote quote=”From the pilot’s licensing issue till EASA, EU, FAA, USA and ICAO, no issue has been managed in any kind of professional manner. The regulatory or the CAA has failed to handle any matter.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Imran Aslam Khan”][/bs-quote]

If you need the country to progress please start respecting businessmen, entrepreneurs and the professional work force as they build the economy, they create the jobs and they pay the taxes out of which the government functions. Try to promote the merit and stop nepotism and corruption and think about Pakistan.

Dysfunctional CAA will lead to more Air Crashes

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