Independent Investigative Committee be formed to probe HR violations in Occupied Kashmir : Shireen Mazari

ISLAMABAD, Aug 07 (APP):Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen M Mazari Wednesday asked United Nations to constitute an Independent Investigative Committee to probe human right violations being committed in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK).
Participating in discussion on Kashmir in the Joint Session of Majlis-e-Shoora, she said the UN committee would use all international forums to highlight the gravity of Kashmir situation.
She said revoking status of Occupied Kashmir and backtracking from earlier international commitments by India, were unacceptable. The annexation of disputed Kashmir would pave way for genocide and ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris, she added.
Dr Shireen Mazari said Indian move was also violation of Indian Supreme Court judgment. The SC in its judgment clearly indicated that Kashmir status could not be changed.
She said that the Indian attempt to change the status of Kashmir was not only illegal but also violation of Geneva Convention. She said international community has already been informed that Pakistan
would not remain silent if any misadventure was done against the country. Pakistan would try to convene emergency session of UNSC to discuss Kashmir situation, he added.
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) should be activated to pressurize India to avoid human right violations in India, she said and added Pakistan must persuade international community to take action
and stop India from human rights violations. She said the government has written a letter to UN High Commissioner for human rights violations and apprised of these violations of human rights. India has blatantly violated United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions, and Shimla pact, she added.
She said Pakistan would extend optimum support to Kashmiris. The conflict between nuclear armed countries could endanger the regional peace, she added.
Latest move has proved that India was a rogue state as the countries committing human rights violations and international commitments could be termed as rogue states, she said.
Revoking Occupied Kashmir’s status was tantamount to committing war crime against Kashmiris, she said and added Pakistan must highlight Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir.