India Wants Hafiz Saeed Extradited, Sends Request To Pakistan


India has sent a request to Pakistan to extradite Hafiz Saeed to India, foreign ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi told reporters today.

Hafiz Saeed, 71, was sentenced to 33 years in jail by a Pakistan court after being convicted in two cases of terror financing in April 2022. The case was filed by Pakistan’s Counter-Terrorism Department.

He, however, has continued to evade punishment for involvement in the 26/11 terror strikes.

He has been sentenced in multiple cases of terror financing in the past. In 2020 too, he was sentenced to 15 years in jail.

He has spent years in and out of detention in varying forms in Pakistan, sometimes under house arrest. But he had roamed freely across the country and addressed incendiary speeches targeting India with impunity.

India’s extradition request also comes at a time when a political front backed by the 26/11 Mumbai attacks mastermind will fight the Pakistan election. Hafiz Saeed’s son and terror group Laskhar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Talha Saeed is one of the candidates.

Hafiz Talha Saeed is considered No. 2 in the LeT, second only to his father. Last year, the Home Ministry declared him a designated terrorist under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

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