Indian Agent or Kashmiri Messiah: JUI-F and the Hidden Agenda

Fazlur Rehman arrives in Lahore on a three-day visit

The politics of Pakistan seems to be caught up in the tentacles of a transition. Political temperatures are rapidly rising as the opposition takes to the streets to topple the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government. Prime Minister Imran Khan and his government face a tough political challenge as the woes have been aggravated by a deteriorating economy and accusations of bad governance.

The manipulators in politics, using politics as a business tool, led by the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazal (JUI-F) Fazal ur Rehman gathered in Karachi, on Sunday, to start an anti-government march towards the capital city of Islamabad.

Things are being viewed by the opposition parties within the divisive parameters of partisanship instead of viewing them in their objective context for evaluation and appraisal. Fazal ur Rehman gains full support by the major opposition parties, including Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).

“There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, and more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. The innovator has the enmity of all who profit by the preservation of the old system and only lukewarm defence by those who would gain by the new system.” – Machiavelli

It is to be remembered that both parties have been ruling in the country for over 30 years with Nawaz Sharif being the three-time Prime Minister and Asif Ali Zardari being the former President of Pakistan.

Despite being the chairman of Kashmir Committee for the past 10 years, Fazal ur Rehman did nothing for the the cause rather than enjoying the luxuries at his house in the Minister’s Enclave. He has always practiced the politics based on vested interests and he was never, by his words or actions, interested in solving the Kashmir issue.

Moreover, Fazal ur Rehman is using Islam as a shield to guard his personal interests and that religious card should not be allowed to be misused.

If we go back in history, a movement led by Rehman’s father, Mufti Mahmood, used the slogan ‘Nizam-e-Mustafa’ which was alleged that it was funded by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which damaged the democracy and resulted in the dark ages of Zia-ul-Haq. Not only that, Mufti Mahmood was also against division of the sub-continent and creation of Pakistan. Following his footsteps, now the son has taken upon himself to disrupt the rule of law and constitution which is funded by vested groups of status-quo.

Rather than raising the critical issue of Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) at national and international forums, the JUI-F chief wasted millions of rupees and ten years while enjoying the perks and privileges. Instead of highlighting the plight of Kashmiris, he destroyed the cause of Kashmir for protocols and special benefits.

Resemblance of Modi’s RSS with Fazal ur Rehman’s militia, marks a big question about the agenda and funding of his plans against the government. Wish he had the same verve and passion when he was handling the Kashmir affairs in the country.

Baaghi TV Exclusive: Who is Funding Fazal-ur-Rehman’s Million March?

While being in power, Fazal ur Rehman never raised his voice against the brutality in IoK, he never spoke against the cross border firings resulting in the martyrdom of Pakistani soldiers, he never stood up against the Model Town atrocities. And now, when he has nothing in his pockets, the JUI-F chief took the streets for an anti-government.

On the other hand, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind (JUH) claims Kashmir to be an integral part of India and ratifies the Indian government’s decision to abrogate Article 370.


Diesel is considered to be a ‘dirty fuel’, as per researchers.

In order to move forward, political cleansing is a must in Pakistan. Like clean fuel, Pakistan needs to have a an upright and honest leadership in order to become the Asian Tigers, a position long awaited. Cleansing is the only way forward and no one should be spared in this crusade.

At the time when the country needs stability, peace and unity, why is Fazal ur Rehman creating chaos and leaving the whole system paralyzed?

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates!

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